2018 Book List

I have one hell of a list of books to get through this year. I just finished The Undoing Project by Michael Lewis which dives into the backstories of Danny Kahneman and Amos Tversky. Their work influenced economics and medicine greatly and while a lot of what they said now seem like common sense and foregone conclusions, their work was groundbreaking at the time. I need to write down all of the books I’m planning to read and create an order to read in them otherwise I’m liable to slip books into my reading list and not get through them all.

  1. Lila, Robert Pirsig
  2. People’s History of the United States, Howard Zinn
  3. Fantasyland, Kurt anderson
  4. Shockwave Rider, John Brunner
  5. Religion and the Decline of Magic, Keith Thomas
  6. Rhetoric, Aristotle
  7. Politics, Aristotle
  8. Second Treatise of Government, John Locke
  9. Leviathan, Thomas Hobbes
  10. The Point of View of the Universe, Lazari-Radek/Singer

Some of these are short and some of these are long. They’re all dense though… There’s another list about equally long that I haven’t even typed out partially because it’d look too daunting and partially because this is a 2018 goal of sorts. Depending on where I am in three months, I might reassess. I will need to cut back on my podcast consumption and switch to books for awhile if I have any hope of catching up.


Marcus Aurelius X

Death is the cessation of the impressions through the senses, and of the pulling of the strings which move the appetites, and of the discursive movements of the thoughts, and of the service to the flesh. It is a shame for the soul to be first to give way in this life when thy body does not give way.



Marcus Aurelius IX

If any man is able to convince me and show me that I do not think or act right, I will gladly change; for I seek the truth by which no man was ever injured. But he is injured who abides in his error and ignorance.

I think this quote is complimented well by I and VII (go back and review those if you have a moment). Seeking the truth while understanding that you might yet know the whole truth leaves you open to new experiences, new viewpoints, new understanding. Still, this is not to condone moral relativism. Right and wrong still exist but your understanding of whether something is or is not right may be based on incomplete truths.


Marcus Aurelius VII

We ought not, like children who learn from their parents, simply to act and speak as we have been taught.

It is important that we keep learning and perfecting ourselves. There is no person that is so perfect or complete that no improvements or refinements can be made.

I’d like to thank that my constant uncertainty in everything is also a strength. Once I know something, I still try to be flexible in the thinking. I make a real effort to understand another persons view point. If they’re right, my mind will change. If they’re not, I may still gain some perspective. So many things are not as concrete as we like to believe. So many things have shades of gray (thank you shitty sex fiction for ruining that metaphor). There are often very fundamental concepts that underpin peoples viewpoints. I find it’s important to try to drill down to that bedrock.

Equally important is to remember that human society is changing. The world is changing. Our relationship to the world, society, our neighbors is changing. Possibly too fast. What was true and worked for people even a few years ago may be unthinkable now. At the same time, someone who was taught something that has since been refuted might have a hard time adjusting to that change, so be gentle with them.


Marcus Aurelius V

Man seeks retreats for themselves, houses in the country, sea-shores, and mountains; and thou too art wont to desire such thing very much. But this is altogether a mark of the most common sort of men, for it is in thy power whenever thou shalt choose to retire into thyself. For no where either with more quite or more freedom from trouble does a man retire than into his own soul.

This speaks to the need to meditate and to the Stoic tenant that a thing is not the cause of your emotional state, but your judgment of that thing. All of the time and trouble you spend to perfectly compile your retreat would be time better spent learning how to retreat into yourself.

I don’t believe in much but I really believe in the power of mindful meditation. Spending a few minutes to sit in quiet awareness helps me not just see the emotional state that I’m caught in but also escape it. It seems odd but I sometimes go for long stretches in a fog and then realize that I’m angry/anxious/depressed. Recognizing these states seems to dissipate the emotion. Mindfulness allows for a fast track of this mechanism for me. I can figure out what’s going on and shut it down in a matter of minutes rather than it floating over me for hours. Sometimes I do recognize it immediately and can come back but not always. Sometimes I still need to sit down and just be for a few minutes to get a handle on what’s corrupting my mental clarity.


Marcus Aurelius IV

Be cheerful also, and seek not external help nor the tranquility which others give. A man then must stand erect, not be kept erect by others.

One needs to be self-sustaining and their happiness ought not reside in others. Also… don’t worry, be happy.


Marcus Aurelius III

Every man’s life is sufficient.

Looking at this quote now, it feels dramatic and dire but I think in the context of Stocism, it’s not really. Well, maybe a little but Marcus Aurelius wrote Meditations on his deathbed and I don’t know that he ever intended for it to be published for the world to see and ponder over nearly 2000 years later.

There is no bar that one must meet or surpass in order for one to be complete or justified in this life. Life justifies itself, so there are no minimum requirements on what one much accomplish in order for the gift of life to be repaid.


Marcus Aurelius II

Begin the morning by saying to thyself, I shall meet with the busy-body, the ungrateful, arrogant, deceitful, envious, unsocial.

You know people with these tendencies exist. You know you encounter them on a regular basis. You know you sometimes suffer the same flaws. It is important to recognize that interacting with these people is not just inevitable but in many cases essential for getting through your day. Recognize that people have these flaws and be cordial with them. Also know that because you will encounter these people, allowing the interaction to own your emotions causes unnecessary suffering in your life.

This quote also sums up Stocism pretty well through the lens of interaction with others. Things that are not within your power to control should not be within the power to control you. Set yourself up for success each day by recognizing the world as it is and navigate through it.