Removing TFS Source Control Bindings from Solution Files

Today, I started looking into removing the TFS source control bindings from all of our solution files. At the time, I didn’t know how many solution files we had, but I knew it was more than I wanted to go through manually. I did some research online and even found some tools, but they didn’t work correctly for me so I wrote a Python script that would do this for me.

Basically, you edit a single variable, providedPath and run the script. It goes through a directory (and all of it’s subdirectories) looking for solution files. It then goes through each file, finding where they start and end (if they are present), re-writes the file without that section, and replaces the original file. I’ve ran it today, build solutions to make sure I didn’t break anything, and checked that code into Stash. I’ve also build the whole app successfully.

The script is located on GitHub here.

One thing this script does not do that I might add is deleting .vccss files. I didn’t bother with it since I’ve added that file extension to the .gitignore files.

This might grow to do additional things as we test migrating from TFS to Git. My guess is that this will not be the last time I copy all of our source over. Oh, and we have nearly 200 solution files, half of which contain source control binding sections. I’m glad I scripted that.


EDIT: I’ve taken the script off of GitHub while I overhaul it and determine if I can actually share it.