I don’t use this much.

But I pay for hosting and run for daily backups. It seems like a waste. In typical tech fashion, it’s time for a PIVOT so I can MAXIMIZE MARKET SHARE AND INCREASE PROFITABILITY.

I was able to test how good my backups were today by standing this site back up from exports. I’ve moved hosts to save money and support a smaller hosting provider (AWS to DigitalOcean). I’m happy to say that my previously untested backup scripts worked wonderfully. I was able to reinstall LAMP, drop in the DB and WP files and the site came up on the first attempt.

Going forward, I’ll probably just post more content here that include topics outside of release engineering. I’ve got some cool RE/DevOps type things to post that I’ve been sitting on for awhile. I’ll try to get around to documenting that work and slip it in between ramblings about ethics (my current obsession), new projects, cycling, and just generally revamping this site.


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