
Atlassian must be one of the most evil brilliant companies ever. They sell what, on the surface, appear to be amazing pieces of software, but underneath the surface there’s an ulterior motive. The reality is that you only get 75% of the functionality you need and are forced to buy add-ons offered by Atlassian or 3rd party software vendors to accomplish the remaining 25%. I buy the app, deploy it, realize I need it to do something else, and am forced to return to the market to purchase bolt ons. The vendors get paid, Atlassian gets their cut (and doesn’t have to develop anything if a 3rd party vendor has them covered), the admin is happy, and the users get some piece of functionality they really wanted. It’s only much later that I realize how light my coffers are and how slow my JIRA server has become.

They do platforms extremely well.

For the record, I like Atlassian. I’m mostly impressed with their software, what its capable of, and the community that’s popped up around it.


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