Learning a New Language

I’ve been going back and forth for awhile on learning either C# or Java. They’re pretty similar syntactically and there are plenty of opportunities with either language. I’ve chosen C# for two reasons.

  1. The recent announcement that C# will soon be cross-platform.
  2. I was asked if I’d be interested in working on some InstallShield tasks for our installers.

As for #1, I’m not holding my breath, but I hope the support and the community will come. As for #2, I can’t say no to getting relevant, transferable experience.

So, in order to start learning C#, I’ve decided to re-write the Python application KillAllBindings that I shared (and then unshared) last week. I wrote this on my personal time on my own personal copy of Visual Studio. It’s done(-ish) and it works. I’ve tested it and I’m reasonably certain that it’d work for others. It’s not very well abstracted nor does it have any error handling, but it should do the job. I will likely use this application as base for continuing to learn C# in my personal time. Hopefully, I can add additional features (if needed) and get good error handling implemented.

I’ve put it up on GitHub for the world to see. Don’t judge too hard, It’s my first foray into C#.


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